'And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself.' (Luke 24:25-27)

Thursday, 21 December 2006

The Foolish Man: Luke 12:13-21

I wonder if we have any fools here today? You may not like to admit it – no one likes to be called a fool, after all. And yet, the Bible talks about fools quite a lot – especially in the Psalms and Proverbs. In Psalm 14, we read ‘The fool says in his heart, “There is no God”’ (Ps 14:1).

Now you might be thinking that that can’t apply to you – you know there’s a God. But do you always remember there is a God? Is he the highest thing in your thoughts? Does the way you live show that you believe in God?

In our New Testament reading today, we heard a parable that Jesus taught. Someone in the crowd had come up to him and asked him to make his brother divide the inheritance with him. The man was acting out of self-interest – he only had his eyes on the money.

Jesus’ reply sets up the parable, and gives us the key to understanding it. ‘Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.’ Even at the outset, Jesus is saying that your life isn’t about what you earn or own. That there’s more to life than getting all you can. But even more than that – you have to take care and be on your guard – covetousness can creep up on you. Isn’t it so easy to see what your neighbour has and to want it? Yet Jesus calls us to be watchful against it.

He then goes on to tell the parable. It’s probably a familiar one, but let’s hear it again.

"The land of a rich man produced plentifully, 17and he thought to himself, 'What shall I do, for I have nowhere to store my crops?' 18And he said, 'I will do this: I will tear down my barns and build larger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods. 19And I will say to my soul, Soul, you have ample goods laid up for many years; relax, eat, drink, be merry.' 20But God said to him, 'Fool! This night your soul is required of you, and the things you have prepared, whose will they be?' 21So is the one who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God."

At the start of the parable, we are introduced to the rich man, a farmer, whose land produced plentifully. He had been working hard that year, and was pleased to see that he had harvested a bumper crop. And yet there was a problem. The barns he had used in the past suddenly weren’t big enough for all he had produced. He couldn’t store away all he had – what would he do?

So he thought to himself and eventually came up with his plan. Pull down the old barns which were too small, and instead, build new ones. Bigger ones that would hold all his grain and goods. That way, all his goods would be safely stored. Nothing would go to waste. What could possibly go wrong?

Indeed, as he continued to think to himself, I have so much here now that there’s no point in working again. He considered himself so rich that he would never work again. Instead, he would retire early, and take things easy. As he told himself, ‘I will say to my soul, Soul, you have ample goods laid up for many years; relax, eat, drink and be merry.’ Eat, drink and be merry. What more is there to life than getting enough money and goods so you can retire and take things easy? So you can enjoy the good things of life.

And watch him as he rings the builders and arranges the contract for demolishing the old barns and building the new barns. All seems to be working out well – the builders even promised to come the next day! And yet, he’ll never see them come. Because God said to him that very day, ‘Fool! This night your soul is required of you, and the things you have prepared, whose will they be?’

After all his plans for the rest of his life, he would see none of them, because God took him that night. And the things he had worked hard for, all his possessions and the grain and goods – he would never see the benefit of them.

Notice how God addressed the man. ‘Fool!’ God called the man a fool. And why was that? The fool says in his heart, there is no God. The man had forgotten God. Firstly, he forgot God who provides all the good things he had – the bumper crop came only because of God’s care and provision. As we heard from Psalm 65 earlier, ‘You provide their grain… You crown the year with your bounty’ (Ps 65:9,11).

Yet the man doesn’t thank God. He doesn’t acknowledge God. He only cares about getting the crops and then storing them up for himself.

He forgets that anything he has comes from God – he views himself as the owner of what he has, rather than a steward, given a trust to manage for a short time. So when he has so much, he only thinks of himself.

Notice also that as he forgot about God, he remembered his soul – or rather, his body. As Jesus summarises at the end of the parable ‘So is the one who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God.’ The man had been so concerned about his own welfare, and taking things easy, that he had forgotten about God, and had taken no steps to be rich toward God. The man remembered he had a soul, but hadn’t put things right with God – he was rich materially, but was spiritually bankrupt.

The man also forgot about God in terms of the future. As the book of James reminds us, we can’t make plans of our own – it is God who holds the future. ‘Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit” – yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.”’ (James 4:13-15).

And in terms of the ultimate future, the man had forgotten about God, who will sit in judgement on each person. And so, when the man would stand in front of the judgement throne, what would he have to show? His wealth counted for nothing, and he was not rich towards God. As Proverbs 11:28 tells us, ‘whoever trusts in his riches will fall, but the righteous will flourish like a green leaf.’

The man had totally forgotten and ignored the first and great commandment – to love God with all his heart, soul, mind and strength. Notice that when he came upon his storage problem, he only thought about it himself, he didn’t involved God in it by praying.

But the man also ignored the second commandment – to love his neighbour as himself. Certainly, he was loving himself, as he planned out his life of wealth and ease, making sure he would have nothing but the best. But was he loving his neighbour? Was he thinking of those around him who were less fortunate, who were facing a bleak winter?

Even a quick glance at his thoughts show how selfish he was: ‘what shall I do, for I have nowhere to store my crops? I will do this: I will tear down my barns and build larger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods. And I will say to my soul…’ I, my, I my…

He was so concerned with laying up treasure for himself – material wealth, and yet ignored his soul. Did you notice that he thought he was addressing his soul when he told it to eat, drink and be merry? Yet he was mixing up the physical and the spiritual, and was actually neglecting his soul.

So what can we learn from the Lord’s parable? What is God’s word to us today, in Quilly? Jesus’ warning still stands today: ‘Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.’ And we need to hear these words today, as materialism seems to be out of control.

Someone has summarised our society as thinking ‘the one with the most toys wins’. What is our response to issues of money, wealth and possessions?

Jesus calls us to be on our guard against covetousness. Yet how often do we compare ourselves to those around us – both looking to see if we have more possessions or the better car, or looking at what others possess and envying them? Have you ever caught yourself wishing it was you had that latest gadget, or the bigger house?

Jesus calls us instead to have a proper perspective on matters of wealth. How do you manage the money God has entrusted to you? Will you worship it, or will you use it for good?

Let’s learn from the man in the parable – firstly in recognising that God provides us with all we need. He had thought the bumper harvest was his alone – but we should remember that all we have comes from God and still belongs to him. So our attitude to money should first be that of thankfulness to God. Today in this harvest service, do we truly mean the thanks we offer?

Which leads us into the next attitude – if the money has been given to us by God, then we should ask how he wants us to use it. We should be using the money for God’s purposes – investing in gospel work. And remembering the needs of those around us.

Our reading isn’t telling us though, that it is wrong to seek to improve your circumstances through hard work – the man was condemned because he wanted to store up all he had earned and only use it for his own desires. He was worshipping money, and ultimately worshipping himself by putting himself at the centre of the universe.

But the key question for us is this – how can we avoid being seen as a ‘fool’ by God? The man was called ‘fool’ because he had stored up treasure for himself, but was not rich toward God.

As Jesus said in Matthew 16, ‘For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his life?’ (Matt 16:26). These words could have been spoken of the man in the parable – he gained so much, yet forfeited his life, because he was not rich toward God.

You see, we focus so much on this world with its wealth and riches, that we forget about the world to come, and we fail to store up riches for it. How can we shift our focus to the heavenly? How can we be rich toward God?

You see, our pursuit of wealth is setting up idols in God’s rightful place. And our promotion of self as the object of our desires is a rebellion against God – it is removing God from the throne and putting ourselves in his place. Both our idolatry and our rebellion are sin. Sin is so terrible that it demands and deserves the wrath of the Holy God, who cannot abide evil or sin.

But thankfully Jesus came as the sacrifice for our sin, dying in our place as our substitute. By his death, we are made right with God, we are reconciled, forgiven, ransomed, redeemed, liberated and revived. And we receive all these benefits by trusting in Jesus, by putting our faith in him. By trusting in Jesus, we can store up treasure in heaven.

Paul tells us in Ephesians that all these blessings from ‘the riches of his grace, which he lavished upon us’ (Eph 1:7-8). Later they are described as the ‘immeasurable riches of the grace’ (Eph 2:7) and the ‘unsearchable riches of Christ’ (Eph 3:8). By ourselves, we cannot store up treasure in heaven – we are poor and bankrupt when it comes to the Bank of Heaven. But Jesus offers us the riches of his grace, and provides the means for us to have treasure in heaven.

If you have never trusted in Jesus before, I invite you today to begin trusting in him. Recognise and confess your sin, and God will indeed forgive you, give you new life, and grant you the riches of Christ.

And if you are a Christian, but know that you have disobeyed Christ in worshipping the money God has given you, then confess your sins and return God to the throne of your heart, ruling over all of your life.

And please, don’t be a fool as you leave this hall today.

Friday, 1 December 2006

The Ancient of Days and the Son of Man: Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14

So here goes on the first sermon on the site. Preached last Sunday in Dromore Cathedral.

America and Britain should get out of Iraq immediately. That is the opinion of some observers, who think that the activities of the two countries are a form of empire building – seeking to extend their power and authority. It is a big question, after all, although perhaps more so for America than Britain, as it tries to be the world’s policeman.

Is there anyone in charge of the world? Can the kingdoms – or empires of today do as they wish? Is there any higher authority which can decide what is fair?

The Book of Daniel is a popular one for Christians. It is, after all, a rich mine of stories for Sunday School, and for the rest of us as well. There we find Daniel in the lion’s den, and Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the fiery furnace. Yet these stories, and others, are found in the first half of the book – up to chapter six.

It might well be as far as we get when we read it through – before we encounter strange visions of beasts and creatures, kings and angels. When we reach chapter seven, then, most of us either struggle through, not really understanding what we’re reading, or else consigning it to oblivion or the conspiracy theorists who seek to interpret the prophecies for us.

However, with these few words of introduction, we find that out Old Testament reading today is from Daniel 7. What should we do? Will we ignore it, or will we work at it, to see what God is saying through his word?

Sadly, the lectionary – or rather, the people who design the lectionary – have chosen to give us only a few verses of Daniel 7 for our reading. If you have a Bible with you, you’ll find it useful to look at Daniel 7. And if not, then try and bring a Bible in future!

As the chapter opens, Daniel first notes that he had a vision, then he begins to describe it. Here we find the strange beasts we talked about earlier – one like a lion with eagle’s wings (4); another like a bear (5); another like a leopard (6), and the fourth which isn’t described – except that it is ‘terrifying and dreadful and exceedingly strong’ (7). From this fourth beast, there comes ten horns, and then another which has a mouth ‘speaking great things’ (8) – or as the NIV puts it, ‘a mouth that spoke boastfully.’

Is your imagination running wild? Are you picturing these strange beasts? What could they be? Thankfully, we are not left on our own to decide what these beasts and horns could be. Later in the chapter, Daniel is granted the explanation. The beasts, from verse 17, are ‘four kings who shall arise out of the earth.’ That is, these beasts are kingdoms, or empires. The horns, then, are ten kings who arise in the last kingdom – with another king coming after them.

It is as the great king of the fourth kingdom speaks boastfully, that we arrive at the start of our reading. In the midst of all the political dealings and empire building on earth, then, ‘thrones were placed, and the Ancient of Days took his seat.’

While the drama of the earth takes place, with its pomp and politics, another ruler is seated on the throne high above. The ‘Ancient of Days’. Who could this be? Surely this is God Almighty himself.

Notice the glory of the Ancient of Days – his clothing as white as snow, and his hair like pure wool. His throne is fiery flames, and its wheels were burning flame. Truly, Hebrews 12:29 can tell us ‘our God is a consuming fire’. Do you see the purity, the holiness of God? His clothes being white as snow – cleaner than Daz or Surf could ever get them, and fire – that which purifies and refines? The fire even issues out in a stream before him.

Yet he is not alone – we see here a glimpse of the throne-room of God, the centrepiece of heaven, where ‘a thousand thousands served him, and ten thousand time ten thousand stood before him.’ What a vast number of angels, standing before him and serving him.

But notice that it is not just the throne-room of heaven we see here. Nor is it just the place where the worship takes place. Further, it is a court room. ‘The courts sat in judgement, and the books were opened.’ Our God who rules, our holy God who receives the worship of thousands and thousands, is also the God of justice – sitting in judgement in the highest high court.

And what is the judgement? These are the verses we missed from the middle of the reading – but the judgement is against the boasting beast, and the other beasts. The kingdoms of this world, and the nations are under the judgement of God – yes, to us now the government may seem impressive and all-powerful, as they make laws for us and affect our lives in so many ways. Yet they are under the ultimate authority and judgement of God.

Yet Daniel’s vision isn’t over. There is more to be seen, and to be thought about. I said earlier that the Ancient of Days was not alone, and that was true – after all, the thousands of angels are present with him. And yet, there was someone missing. In verse 9 we noted that thrones were set in place… yet only the Ancient of Days sat down. There is an empty throne. Who would fill it?

Suddenly, Daniel sees the only possible candidate. ‘Behold, with the clouds of heaven, then came one like a son of man, and he came to the Ancient of Days and was presented before him.’ To us, as we read these words, it is obvious who they point to. After all, in Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus uses it to describe himself 28 times. There, he speaks of the ‘Son of Man [who] came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many’ (Matt 20:28), and when asking the disciples who they think he is, uses the title ‘Son of Man’ (Matt 16:13).

The phrase points to the humanity of Jesus – as can be seen if you even browse the book of Ezekiel – the phrase is used there 93 times, to describe Ezekiel – as God talks to him, calling him ‘son of man.’

And what happens to the Son of Man, the man, who is presented before the Ancient of Days? Will he also be consumed with fire from the throne? Will he be judged by the Almighty Judge?

No! Rather, ‘to him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom, that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve him; his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom one that shall not be destroyed.’

The vacant throne is taken, given to this Son of Man by the Ancient of Days. He shares in the glory of God, as he shares in the reign of the universe. Notice that all peoples, nations and languages will serve him – this Son of Man claims the allegiance of all people, whether they choose to worship him or not.

Our passage this morning has echoes of Philippians 2 – even as we see the contrast. The boastful king of the fourth kingdom was cut down in judgement, whereas Jesus, the humble king, was exalted and glorified. ‘Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father’ (Phil 2:9-11).

Notice also, that this kingdom, once taken by the son of man – by Jesus – isn’t going to pass away like the kingdoms of earth. With the judgement of God in verses 11 and 12, the power of the empires was taken away. Or, in more recent history, think of the British Empire – that proud institution which lasted so long, and covered so much or the earth. It too has now all but vanished.

But the kingdom of Christ ‘is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom one that shall not be destroyed.’ As our New Testament reading in Revelation 1 tells us, the kingdom has arrived – Christ is enthroned and reigning. The everlasting dominion has begun, and will not end. It is here to stay.

The question and challenge this morning is therefore – what will you do with this son of man? Do you recognise Jesus as your king? Or will you reject him as king now, living as you please? Because, either way, as Philippians reminds us, every knee will bow and every tongue confess him as king. As the song ‘come, now is the time to worship’ reminds us –

‘One day every tongue will confess you are God,
One day every knee will bow,
Still the greatest treasure remains
For those who gladly choose you now.’

The kingdoms and powerful nations of earth are not all powerful. There is one who is judging and ruling over them. That one is the son of man, who took the throne with the Ancient of Days. Will you submit to his rule, and come into his kingdom today?

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Over to you now. What do you think? How could it be improved? To get you started, I know the application wasn't the best - but did the sermon get the message of the text across?

Wednesday, 29 November 2006

First Sermon coming soon!

Ok, so we have two writers so far, but no sermons... are we just afraid to commit our 'children' to the critical processes? Or are we just so busy in the college environs that we haven't been able to post yet?

I do promise, though, that I will start to transfer my back catalogue over to this site - one a week, to enable a bit of reflection and discussion - rather than swamping the site all in one go.

And hopefully the Beardless Grindalite (and others) will begin contributing as well.

But remember, it's not just sermons we're looking - good illustrations by themselves (linked or not to a passage), or a nugget of a thought about a passage, or even just something that has struck you while reading are all welcome!

Sunday, 26 November 2006


As we start to gather momentum on the blog, and others join the team, so we'll hopefully see an increase in the number of sermons etc.

One of the main aims of our blog is to share sermons we have written. Mainly, this will be in the form of written texts or notes - which, we admit, are slightly different to the finished, spoken sermon. But we want to encourage feedback, so that together we can improve our confidence and skill, as well as hearing accurately what the text is saying.

Some of the areas you might want to consider are:

- Introduction - does it 'grab' you and make you interested? Does it introduce the message?

- Exegesis - does it explain the text accurately and make it understandable?

- Illustrations - are the illustrations used helpful in shedding light on the message? Have you any other illustrations that could help the sermon?

- Application - where does the application come? Does it flow from the text?

- Overall impression - how do you rate the sermon? Have you any suggestions to improve it?

Please try to answer these questions in the comment you leave, after reading the sermon.

Friday, 24 November 2006

The new blog

Hello and welcome to this new blog - a new venture in team blogging!

The vision for this blog has arisen from some student ministers meeting together in a small group for preaching and prayer. This blog will be a space to share sermons, and to contribute thoughts on the Scriptures.

The name has come from Luke 24:

'He said to them, "How foolish you are, and how slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Did not the Christ have to suffer these things and then enter his glory?" And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself.' (Luke 24:25-27).

Hopefully others will sign up and contribute. If you would like to get involved, email me at the email address on my profile page. Thanks!